Percy - McNair
"One of
the most brilliant social events ever occurring in this village, was the wedding of Miss Frances M. McNair, of Brodhead, to Mr. Charles Bennett Perry, of Omaha, Neb., at the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday evening, April 20, 1887, Rev. C. H. Lemon, of Monroe, officiating.
A large number of invited guests witnessed the impressive ceremony. The house was gay with flowers. The stairway was handsomely trimmed with evergreens, and in the rear of the ball was a beautiful stand of growing plants. In the north-east corner of the front parlor, a lovely panel of green bore the letters P. and M. pricked out in flowers. Festoons of evergreen tied with white satin ribbon adorned the folding doors, while in the back parlor similar festoons swung from each corner, and meeting in the middle were tied with a lovely knot of white ribbon. Upon the mantle was a bank of flowers, the grate beneath had a beautiful floral screen, and just in front and a little space away from this, beneath the canopy of green, was the pretty kneeling stool with its mimic chancel rail of evergreen, revealing to each guest up on his entrance the place where the ceremony would be performed. At each side of the wide chimney stood a little human flower clad in white, Misses Mattie Gordon and
Grace McNair, to hold the satin barriers which should shut out all beside the bridal party from the chosen place.
Promptly at the appointed hour of 8 o'clock, Rev. C. H Lemon, rector of the Episcopal Church, in Monroe, clad in handsome gown und stole, came in through the west door of the parlor, the silken barrier moved and he passed into his place. Almost immediately, to the strains of the wedding march as played by Miss Nellie Mack, the bridal party was seen approaching from the east entrance. The bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Miles M. McNair, came first, then the bridesmaids, Miss Rose White, of Monroe, and Miss Mary R. Matter, simply and beautifully clothed in white, without jewels or other ornaments, then the high contracting parties, the groom tall and manly in the conventional black, the bride always sweet and petite, becomingly arrayed in white brocade satin skirt with bodice and train of white surah, a bunch of lovely white tea roses her only ornament save the gleaming crescent which fastened her long and filmy vail. But the silken barrier has moved, the parties are in their place, a hush falls on the large assembly, the impressive words of the marriage ceremony of the church fall on the ear, the youthful clergyman seems somewhat embarrassed, but the responses of both groom and bride are clear and distinct, scarce a breath stirs the air as they kneel for the blessing, and many an eye is dimmed with tears. But now smiles and laughter chase away all trace of sorrow as the friends eagerly crowd around with hearty congratulations and best wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Perry.
During the little interval before refreshments are served, we slip away to an upper room, where we get a glimpse of some of the rare and costly bridal presents. Solid silver, illustrated books, choice pictures, attest the love of many friends, both young and old. An elegant silver tea set is the gift of a group of assembled friends; the teachers who loved her so well, present a fine picture, which hanging on the walls of happy days and useful work. Some gifts the handiwork of her companions will be especially prized; among them an oil painting, a scene from nature, near Brodhead, by Miss Lena Spaulding; a lovely painted toilet set, cushion and bottles, of blue and pink satin, ornamented with daisies and mosses, by Miss Agnes Amerpohl, and a painted banner by Miss Nellie Mack. There were lovely gifts from absent friends in New York City, from Buffalo, from Madison, from Colorado, and Minnesota, and many others have already been sent to Omaha, among them a
suite of furniture from brother Grant.
Grandpa Melendy, too, does not let any one see his gift but some one who knows lets out the secret that it is a handsome check, which the bride can comfortably carry in her pocket book.
We fain would linger here longer, but a friend hints to us to quietly slip into another room, and there our privileged eyes beheld what it was not expected even our privileged tongue would tell, namely, some of the garments pertaining to the lovely
trousseau, which were designed and made by Maulane Fuust, of Evansville. But not even the exquisite tea gown, a symphony in blue cashmere, pink satin and oriental lace, can detain us longer, for the aroma of coffee greets us and invites us to return be low, to enjoy what Mr. M. M. Rowell terms the "happiest time of day." Refreshments so excellent in quality, so choice in variety, and so bountiful in quantity, would gladden the heart of any epicure.
Among the guests present from a distance are Mrs. M. Cooley and son, of Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dodge, Miss Rose White and Dr. Will Monroe, of Monroe.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry will leave for their western home this week, and the good wishes of many friends will follow them. "Frances" whose early life was spent here,
who has been a popular and successful teacher in our schools, and earnest worker in the Episcopal Church, will be greatly missed, but she will carry the charm of her presence and helpful spirit into other social circles. Mr. Perry is a prosperous young lawyer, of sterling character, and the INDEPENDENT wishes for them
Bon Voyage across life's troubled sea."