George E. Dixon

Connecting the Dots

Although still collecting research in piecing together folks' stories, what a delight when I saw a newspaper clipping from George E. Dixon's 89th birthday.

I knew exactly who he was at first glance of his face, as his portrait discovered last week instantly popped to mind (he aged incredibly!).

George was married to Flora Doolittle Dixon, and had two daughters; Katherine A. Dixon Dooley (married to James Dooley), and Genevieve Abigail (who I still have more research to do for).

Here is an excerpt on George's 89th birthday celebration....

"G. E. Dixon entertained his family and a few friends at a gathering in observance of his 89th birthday Tuesday evening. Mr. Dixon and his guests enjoyed a 6:30 dinner at the Brodhead Cafe and afterwards had the opportunity of viewing pictures at his home which had been taken by his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Dooley. Guests were his daughters and their hubands, Mr. and Mrs. Dooley, Monticello, and Mr. and Mrs. George LeDell, Beloit; Mrs. L. A. Swartz, Mrs. Esther Lyons and her mother, Mrs. Margaret Carteron, and Miss Helen Beckwith.
Mr. Dixon has a granddaughter, Janice LeDell, Beloit, who is now in Akron, O., where she is a supervisor in a girls' camp. She was unable to be present Tuesday evening.

Mr. Dixon, whose ancestors were from the State of New York, was born in Mineral Point, Wis., July 6, 1864. His parents were Emery and Emma (Richards) Dixon, the latter a native of Hazel Green, this State. Daniel Richards, grandfather of George E. Dixon, was a pioneer of southern Wisconsin, who located near Galens, Ill.m later moved to Hazel Green and then to Platteville..."