John A. Young

John A. Young | Entrepreneur, Brodhead Mayor, &  respectable family man

Hon. John A. Young's Timeline

1832 birth of John A. Young

1854 Married Maria Groat (1837 - ?)


Julia A. A. (d. June 11th, 1854)


John F.

Teressa (d. Oct. 20th 1859)

Mary J.

1860 Daughter Alice born (1860-?)

1862 Son Manley born (1862-1900) - note his sone is named after the hotel he previously owned & ran

1863 Civil War draft records shows profession as Hotel Keeper

1863 Moved to Brodhead

1863 - 1867 Hotel Keeper of the Manley Hotel

1868 Built the Young House Hotel

1870 Daughter Maude born (1870-?) 

1876 Daughter Florence born (1876 -?)

1898 - 1900 Mayor of Brodhead

1912 death of John a. Young

Mayor J. A. Young

John Young's Biography

"John A. Young, of Brodhead, Green county, is a dealer in fresh-water pearls, raw furs and ginseng, and in these rather uncommon lines of trade and barter has succeeded in amassing a very comfortable competence. He has had little help from friends or fortune in his life work, and may be written down a a thoroughly self-made man, the architect of his own fortune. He is a man of good heart, generous disposition and kindly feeling, who has combined keen business sense with the utmost integrity of purpose, and is known as a thoroughly honorable and reliable gentleman.

In 1858, Mr. Young came to Wisconsin and located on a farm in the town of Lima, Rock county. In 1861 he began the business of keeping hotel at Johnstown Center, Wis., where he spent the next two and one-half years, and in 1863 he went to Brodhead and engaged in the hotel business. Here he has since remained. Continuing the hotel business until 1895, since which time he has given his entire attention to the business of buying and selling fresh-water pearls and raw furs. He is considered an expert in the business and has made it very profitable. He built the “Young House” at Brodhead in 1868-69, a fine building in its day, which still attracts admiration; it is a three-story brick structure 52x62 feet, its entire cost being about $16,000 and in it Mr. Young did a large and profitable business."

Mr. Young owns one of the finest residences in the village of Brodhead, built in 1895, and thoroughly modern and up-to-date in every respect. He also owns considerable residence and business property in the place. There was not a foot of sidewalk in Brodhead when Mr. Young settled there and he has the honor of having taken the initiative in this improvement of the city, having laid the first sidewalk in the place in the spring of 1863."

Civil War Draft Record 1861 - 1863

"Old Young House" turned  Shorb Hotel

"Old Young House" 

"OLD YOUNG HOUSE The present Harris House in Brodhead was built in 1868 by John A. Young and was first opened to the public in May 1869, although it was not completed until the following August. For years, paint covered the bricks and with that now being removed the lettering "Young House" is plainly visible above the second floor windows at the corner. The brick structure, 52 by 62, is 45 feet high, three-storied. Early history reports it cost $10,000 to build on the site costing $2.500 and the original hotel furnishings were $4,000. Already in 1884, it was advertised as having good fire escapes and first-class lodging accommodations for 45 people. (Times Staff Photo)"


  • via Civil War draft registration 1863-2865
  • via 1880 Federal Census
  • via Green County Biographies, taken from "Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Rock, Green, Grant, Iowa and Lafayette Wisconsin," (c)1901 Union Publishing; pp. 496-498.